“The A Team” standing in front of an eastbound streetcar stop in Little India during the 506 Streetcar Festival, March 2016.
This photo was taken after a celebratory day among streetcar enthusiasts young and old. The day began with a series of presentations at the local (Gerrard Ashdale) Public Library. Later in the day we boarded a retro streetcar. Joanne Doucette served as our tour guide and talked to us about local Toronto history along the route.
Left to right: Streetcar enthusiast–Karen Franzen (me), community builder–Marietta Fox, former city councillor–Mary Margaret Mcmahon, community builder and BIA member–Tammy Rogers, local historian–Joanne Doucette, former head librarian–Gail Ferguson, former head of TTC–Andy Byford, and artist educator–Fred Franzen (my dad).
Missing from this photo: Councillor Paula Fletcher